Friday, June 14, 2013

Video on Russian Lunges for Weight Loss and Abs | Diet & Fitness ...

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Video on Russian Lunges for Weight Loss and Abs

Weight loss and abs are two important factors of fitness. Rajesh Sharma takes you through Russian Lunges and explains the benefits of this exercise.

Benefits of Russian Lunges:

According to Rajesh, the Russian lunge exercises your leg muscles, especially your quads. This exercise is great to develop speed, agility, strong core, burn fat and enhance endurance.

Variations in Russian Lunges:

The Russian Lunge is popularly called Standing Lunge. To increase the complexity and push yourself, you can also do the Russian lunge with weights too, like dumbbell. Or change your balance by placing a physio ball on your head.

*Images courtesy: ? Thinkstock photos/ Getty Images


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